Hi, I'm Katie

I graduated from the the University of Liverpool Vet School in 2016. Since then, I have been working in small animal first opinion practice. In this time I have had countless clients in my consult room for the first time with their new puppy or kitten.

Sadly, many of these new puppies and kittens do not come from reputable breeders. There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of people breeding for profit in the past few years and sadly many of these breeders do not prioritise health or temperament, nor do they particularly care who they sell their animals to.

This has led to an increase in dogs and cats ending up in rescue centres due to health or behavioural issues.

Puppy farming is also sadly a booming industry currently. Sometimes people have suspicions that they could be dealing with a puppy farmer but do not want to leave the puppy with them so purchase the puppy anyway. But this sadly just enables the puppy farm to continue.

I have even experienced puppies who have sadly become ill and died within a few days of their new owner bringing them home which is devastating.

By the time clients bring their new puppy or kitten to me as a vet, they have already fallen in love with their new family member even though they may have paid thousands of pounds to a puppy farmer and not researched the potential health issues their new pet could be prone to.

This is what has inspired me to set up “Vetted Pets”.

I want to help fight back against unethical breeders and help support those searching for their new furry companion.

Whether you’re searching for a pedigree pup or a rescue, I am here to help you make an informed decision about which type of dog or cat will suit your lifestyle and where to find one!

Whilst we can’t guarantee for no health or behavioural issues for an animal’s entire life, by supporting those breeding for health and temperament rather than for profit, and, selecting a breed that best suits your lifestyle, we can help reduce the amount of pets ending up in rescue centres and welcome more happy and healthy animals into our homes.
I look forward to hearing from you!

My Services

I am based on the Wirral in the North West of England but my services are available to anyone in the UK.

When you make an enquiry with me, the first step is for us to have an in person or video consultation to discuss what you are looking for. I will advise you on what to expect with a particular breed if relevant and also what to look for when searching for a reputable breeder.

I will then support and advise you through the process of finding your new pet. Visits to examine your potential new pet may be possible depending on availability and location and this of course would also need to be ok’d by the breeder or rescue centre.

Then, when you finally get to bring your new pet home, I will also be there to support and advise as needed!

Prices start from just £50 so head to my contact section and send me an enquiry today!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Your Vetted Brunette

Katherine Mountford BVSc MRCVS

Make an Enquiry

Prices start from just £50. So send me a message and we can get started on safely and responsibly getting you the pet of your dreams!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Your Vetted Brunette

Katherine Mountford BVSc MRCVS